Multiple income streams Tracker Notion Template

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Effortlessly manage and monitor all your income sources with our Ultimate Multiple Income Streams Tracker - a comprehensive Notion template designed for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and anyone looking to diversify their earnings. This user-friendly template features a customizable layout to record income amounts and dates, ensuring you have a clear overview of your financial growth. Stay organized, track your progress, and make informed financial decisions with ease. Start optimizing your income strategy today!

Key Features:

  • Simple and Intuitive Layout: Easy-to-use design tailored for all users.
  • Customizable Fields: Track income amounts and dates for each income stream.
  • Automated Totals: Sum up your income automatically.
  • Visual Insights: Graphical representations for better financial analysis.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your income growth over time.

Perfect For:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Freelancers
  • Side Hustlers
  • Investors
  • Anyone with multiple income sources

Optimize your income tracking process with our all-in-one Notion template. Download now and take control of your financial future!

Notion Template Structure

Sections in the Template:

  1. Dashboard:
    • Overview: A brief snapshot of your total income and individual income streams.
    • Graphs and Charts: Visual representations of your income trends over time.
  2. Income Streams:
    • Stream of Income: A list where you can add and categorize different income sources (e.g., Freelancing, Investments, Online Courses, Affiliate Sales, Other).
    • Details for Each Income Stream:
      • Amount: Enter the amount received from each income stream.
      • Date Received: Record the date when the income was received.
  3. Automated Totals:
    • An area where the total income from all streams is automatically calculated and displayed.
  4. Monthly Summary:
    • Income Summary: A monthly breakdown of your total income.
    • Comparative Analysis: Compare income across different months to identify growth trends.
  5. Additional Sections:
    • Notes: Add any relevant notes or comments about each income stream or specific entries.
    • Goals: Set and track financial goals related to your income streams.


  1. Add New Entry:
    • Navigate to the "Income Streams" section and click on the "New" button to add a new income entry.
    • Fill in the details such as the amount and date received.
  2. Customize Fields:
    • Adjust the "Stream of Income" field to fit your specific income sources.
    • Use the "Notes" section to add any additional information.
  3. Monitor Totals:
    • Check the "Automated Totals" section to keep track of your total income automatically.
  4. Visualize Data:
    • Use the "Graphs and Charts" section in the dashboard to get a visual representation of your income streams over time.

Additional Tips:

  • Regularly update your entries to maintain an accurate record of your income.
  • Use filters to view specific income streams or date ranges.
  • Customize the template further to include additional fields like "Category" if needed.

By following this structure and utilizing the provided features, you'll have a powerful tool at your disposal to manage and grow your multiple income streams effectively.

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Multiple income streams Tracker Notion Template

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